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La monja alférez Próximamente - Erauso nació Catalina, pero murió Antonio. Novicia convertida en militar, rebelde, violento y pendenciero, Erauso, más conocido como la Monja Alférez, es una de las figuras más controvertidas y excepcionales de nuestro Siglo de Oro
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Marrano, a tale from the Inquisition 2021 - 75min In the year 1485, the city of Zaragoza witnessed one of the most horrific crimes in its history. While praying in the cathedral, a Dominican monk was brutally stabbed by a group of assassins. He was left in front of the main altar, suffocating in his own blood. When the body was discovered, the city was in shock, and for a good reason: the victim was no less than Pedro de Arbues, the maximum representative of the Holy Inquisition in Aragon.
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